Allow us to introduce ourselves...
Youth Inspiring Youth
If you are reading this - thank you for visiting our website. It means a lot to us. To provide you with a bit of history on how this all started, the idea for this website first came to us in 2021 as our community project with YCAN, a volunteer program with the YMCA of Northern Alberta. As of March 31st 2022, this website is no longer a YCAN project, as it has fully transitioned to the I Care A Lot team.
As youth in government care, we have faced a life-long struggle with having our voices be heard by individuals who work within the system as well as those who exist outside of our world. When discussing what we could do together that would bring education and awareness to our experiences while also providing a platform for our voices to be heard, we had decided to bring this youth-led initiative into the digital world.
Through the medium of blog posts, we wanted to share our stories. The good, the challenging and the hard to hear. All of it, and all for you to read. It is our hope that through our website, not only will we bring more awareness to what youth in government care experience, but that we will inspire other youth like ourselves to come forward and share their stories for the same reasons. Together, we can pave the way for meaningful change for all youth in government care.
Thank you.
- I Care A Lot Team