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Hi, my name is Branden and this is my story. I lived with my mother until I was seven. Then the government came in and took me and my siblings away as they said that my mom was unfit to be a parent. That is when my siblings and I went to live with my aunt and uncle. In the time that I lived with my aunt and uncle, I was physically and mentally abused by my uncle. This went on until I was fourteen and that is when I had enough of it and ran away. When I ran away, I had no plan on what I was doing or where I was going. I was just riding the ETS buses until a nice lady asked me why I was out so late and if I was doing alright.

After I told her what was going on, she took me to a social services building that was open twenty-four hours. The people that I talked to there didn’t really believe me when I told them what was happening All they did was call my aunt and uncle to pick me up. The third time I ran away I went to a friend’s house and ended up staying there for a bit. I told him and his parents what was going on and then that is when the police got involved/ From there, social services finally put me into a group home that I liked just until they could find me a foster home.

I ended up going to lots of different foster homes. I always did something that the foster parents didn’t like, and the social workers would always believe the foster parents over me. The funny thing is that once I was close to turning eighteen no foster home wanted me anymore, so they had to put me in a group home until I was eighteen. The group home that I went to was under the same company as the one before. Once I turned eighteen, I got put on a Support and Financial Assistance Program that helped me get into another program for semi-independent living and finally got my own place.


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